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James Jennings
Geboren inUnited States
60 years
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Sylvia Sumpter
You are missed dearly Pastor Jennings!
It been 7 months and I miss you so much.
Lisa Marie
Miss you so much Daddy. All I can do is cry sometimes.
Daddy, we're still remembering you... Still grateful for all you provided to us each day. God bless. - Larissa
H. Woodley
To the Family: I pray that God’s loving arms continue to comfort you as his spirit lives on through you.
H. Woodley
To the Family: I am pray that God's loving arms continues to comfort you as his spirit lives on through you.
Elders Kevin & Faith Manning
For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. Job 19:25 Love you
Pastor Mary Boyd
To Sis. Lottie & Family May the God of all comfort, peace, and love rest in your hearts. Another Soldier made it home
Irma G Hodges
Praying for Sis. Jennings and the Jennings Family that God will comfort their hearts in the home going of Pastor Jennings.
Sis. Marilyn Ware
God bless you our dear brother. Home at last. You have left a legacy. Your family is a reflection of you. John 15:15
Michael Whitmore
Farewell cousin James, brother of a kindred spirit. You will be missed. May God continue to smile upon you.
Lisa Marie
Missing you. We loved you so much. Wish you were here to see your grandchildren. Love you.
Sister sally fortworth tx
Your husband preached n jolliet n thanks to god using him I now have victory over all my fear fobias which I had for years victory
Sister sally fortworth tx
Your husband preached n jolliet n thanks to god using him I now have victory over all my fear fobias which I had for years victory
brenda miller
This was a man of God. We are praying for the family. The late Pastor Frank Miller & Sis. Miller family. we love you all.
Yolanda Williams
I know you're in heaven smiling down on us Pastor Jennings so I will smile back. Gone but never forgotten. You will be missed.
Danny Myers
Love you always Cousin James! I have fond memories of you stealing second base back in the day. Peace in your journey.
Diana Atkins Williams
Prayers are being lifted for Cousin Loretta, James' wife and family, the brothers and family, and all those impacted by James
Sister Ann Tennie
Jeremiah 3:15 And I will give you pastors according to mine heart which shall feed you with Knowledge & understanding.
Bro. Ishmon
1 Corinthians 8:3 But if any man love GOD, the same is known of him. I have been honored to be pastored by such a man...
Sister Brandy Ishmon
Pastor Jennings Not sure what words to use to express how much you mean to me. I miss you so much. Thank and praise GOD for you.
Terrance Hinton
Pastor Jennings; A great man of God and a perfect example to emulate. I thank God for blessing me to have known you.
Good morning, daddy. We wish you were here. We really loved having you. -Larissa
Brent Jennings
I love you my dear little brother. You will forever be in my heart.
Shirley Thorn
The family of Dr. Jennings keep the wonderful memories in your hearts,. he will be their forever Be Bless! Colt,Arkansas
Debra Searles
II Corinthians 5:1 1 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
Daddy, I love you. Thanks for being such a wonderful father. I pray the love of God's peace and great heaven surround you now.
A true pastor. A true man Of God. Well loved. Forever missed. My pastor, Dr James Jennings.
Sis. Betty Walker
Pastor Jennings was a great man of God. He touched many lives in this world. Our Brother has gone to get his reward. God Bless.
Sis. Betty Walker
Pastor Jennings was a great man of God. He touched
Sister Sharonda Henderson
"And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding." Jer. 3:15
Amber Rainey
Dr. J saw talent in me that I did not know I had. He offered wise counsel and fatherly love. He will always be in my heart.
Carmen Hardin
Dr. Jennings developed me through his teachings and his character. He will never be forgotten bc he is part of who I am.
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