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James Jennings
Born in United States
60 years
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Audrey Eldridge Former Hendrix Student '01 November 18, 2015
Dr. Jennings always had a great welcoming smile for his students. It was obvious he loved his life's work. When I went to him my junior year to add on a minor in Secondary Eduaction, he tried to convince me I was more suited for Elementary. I think my exact words were "I don't want snotty nosed little kids pulling on me all day."  I probably should have taken his advise, because I went back through school to become an RN and deal with snotty noses almost everyday! My prayers are with his family. I look forward to seeing that smile again when we meet up in heaven. 
Mireille Mutesi Teacher/Mentor November 7, 2015

Farewell to a man so humble, so giving, so kind...whose compassion and altruism knew no bounds.

I am very fortunate to have been one of Dr Jennings' students at Hendrix College. And I bear witness to his passion for equality, justice and above all, godliness.
Dr Jennings instilled in us, his students, a sense of moral responsibilty towards our fellow human beings, especially the disadvantaged.

May you be justly rewarded Dr Jennings! 

Until then, rest in peace...

2 TIMOTHY 4:7-8

7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith;
8 In the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.

Tammia Greene Counselor and Teacher November 5, 2015
No human can reach the depth of your pain Sis. Jennings,  Larissa, and Lisa but God can. What you have to do now is take it slowly and you will begin to heal. In times ahead you will smile and know that the incredible human being that you had to share with so many people left a mark on this earth in regards to the Christian walk, education,  Love and many other countless teachings. 
One of my fondest memories of Pastor Jennings was when he came to my house in Memphis to give me premarital counseling. He wanted to make sure that my husband was a Man a godly one and one that would care and Love me. He and Sis. Jennings showed so much concern and love and now 10 years later I understand what he meant. He wanted to know that FAMILY AND GOD was a priority as well as Education. Tough in his teaching but it was delivered in Love and I will always be grateful for those moments that he took the time to pray for us. The entire Jennings family has been so kind to my family and my mother who took the month long trip to Africa with you all. The Jennings will always have a special place in my heart.

I felt a profound lost when I heard of the dreadful news, but  I take comfort in knowing that Pastor Jennings is very Happy and wouldn't want us to worry or cry because if we follow Christ as he did we'll see him again. 

Praise God for his beautiful Life and the legacy he left behind will definitely be felt for many generations over.

Sis Jennings,  Larissa,  and Lisa you are in our prayers and thoughts at this difficult time.

Kenon and Tammia Greene (Sis Callie's daughter) (Orlando, FL) 
Rynnett Clark Colleague at Hendrix College November 4, 2015
Although I've listed myself as Dr. Jennings's colleague, he was so much more than just someone with whom I worked.  In working with James over the past 15 years he became like family...maybe my "work family" is a better phrase, as no one was dearer or more important to him than his own family.  I guess I'd like to think of myself as that "annoying little sister" that he never had! Smile As hard as he worked at Hendrix, at his church, and for the children and youth of the state of Arkansas...and he did put in too many hours to count...he would drop everything when it came to his family.  He always said, "Family comes first."  And he lived that.  Whenever he talked about his family, Lottie, Larrisa, Lisa, or those beautiful grandchildren, there was a special twinkle in his eyes.  Likewise, whenever I had a family situation that needed to be tended to, as my supervisor, James also encouraged me to take care of whatever I needed to for my family and followed up by saying..."and let me know if you need anything."
No one could have asked for a better mentor and teacher than James.  In the all the years that I worked with him, I never heard him utter a cross word. ...not even once.  He was always kind, calm, infinitely patient and always teaching us.  In his passing, we will take with us and hold close the many important lessons that we've learned, and we'll move forward.  There is no question that would be exactly what he would want.

In my faith tradition, this past Sunday was "All Saints Sunday. " It's a Sunday set aside each year in which we honor the saints who have passed away.  Truly James Jennings was one of those saints.  I took the opportunity to thank God for his life and for all he has done for and meant to others. I took great comfort in one of the prayers, which was: 

 "Thank you, God, for the tremendous sacrifices made by those who have gone before us.  Bless the memories of our saints, God. May we learn how to walk wisely from their examples of faith, dedication, worship, and love."

Rynnett Clark
ljenning@yahoo.com My Dad November 2, 2015
I pray for lovelier days to come. I pray God's face will shine upon us. My dad was such a good person. He was so kind, and patient, and humble, and thoughtful - a wonderful listener, always accessible. I hope one day to be half of that. He was a teacher and a guide, a counselor. He kept us laughing, and he made me want to do and be my best always. He also had so many projects and new ideas to serve others, especially the under-privileged. He taught me to channel my passion towards only good-good-very-good things, to acknowledge God, and to know that being a leader meant first being a good follower - something I didn't naturally know how to do. When we were little and until his last day, he was always reading, always sharing a good word with someone, taking notes, making plans - an entrepreneur. He loved my cooking. He was my best-est eater. He always tried my new dishes. He loved being healthy, and reflective. We loved him. He could have been prideful and super religious and unapproachable. But he wasn't. He helped me to let go and move on and know the world is imperfect sometimes, but we still have to perfectly be good and true and kind and honest and dedicated and available to love. He rose with the morning sun and kept company with the night oil. Others called upon him and he was there. My dad never made me feel less or lost or inadequate. Never. And he loved my mother. He never shouted, never 'fell apart'. He was just steady, easy-going. He helped me so much. A good, good gracious soul. I feel a terrible loss, but I know I was blessed to have him. Thanks daddy. Thanks God.

-- Larissa Jennings 
Reba P. Gaines Classmate (1973 LRCH), and Friend November 2, 2015
To my classmate and friend.  I am saddened by your passing but I smile thinking of the last time that I saw you.  In April I saw you at another service and you looked absolutely wonderful.  We talked briefly and I met your beautiful wife, Lottie.  I will remember your smile that could(and it has) light up Little Rock.  You have made all of us proud of not just knowing you but of your accomplishments.  I remember that my mother told me at one time that your mother was her teacher when she was a young child.  I am so thankful for all the years that God placed you in my life and as I read the memories from others I know that they have been so blessed to be touched by your presence.  This teaches us that we should always thank each other for being a part of each other's life.  So, I hope that you know that I am thankful for you not only being my friend but being my classmate as well.  I am confident that when you walked through the gates of heaven the first words after "Hello James" the next words were "Well done thy good and faithful servant!" Lottie, my prayers are with you each and every day as you walk this journey.
Renee' Reed-Assefa High School classmate October 31, 2015
Hello James! Still looking good and handsome as always! Haven't seen you since High School at Central but I always heard good things about you. I'm not surprise about all of your tremendous accomplishments after High School, because you, Henry Lamar, Isaac Hudson and Bobbie Mercer were always innovated leaders at Central.This character of you transgressed through all of your future decisions.

I'm quite sadden that we never got to talk after graduation but many of us went away to college and some came back to visit and some moved back home.  But I did try to contact you through FaceBook once I learned how to use it, but no such luck.
Being an Educator, being a good son and brother, being a devoted husband, father and grandfather and most of all a man of God is not easy. But you accomplished all of that and some more which many will miss dearly with your departure to Heaven.

There are lot's of memories that I could talk about back then, but what I do remember is that smile of grace and dignity. Looking at the pictures of your beautiful family show's how faithful and committed you were to your love ones and God is conforting them right now in honor of your walk in Christ. I Know you will have a full house at your homegoing celebration, and I truly wish that I could be there but Ill see you another time.

God always watches over his sparrows and I know he's watching you!

Take Care James, Pastor James!
Love You in Christ
Renee' Reed-Assefa 
Dresden E. Carter Jackson Friend and Classmate October 31, 2015
We literally grew up together from about 8 years old.  We were forever at each other's house on 22nd Street.  I can remember when we would play with Tiny (the dog) and roll him around in Mr. Jennings' wheelbarrow.  Fond memories flood my mind like when James sung at Rightsell Elementary at the infamous Rightsell Follies and the relay races 22nd Street would have against 21st, 23rd and 24th, with 22nd Street being victorious each time.  After high school James went off to college but would come back showing me all the latest dance steps and he could do them too!!  I can remember how proud he was when he introduced Lottie to me.  The last time I saw James was just a couple of months ago at a Dedication Celebration for his mom.  It was like old times all over again.  I remember him saying, "Dresden you have not changed a bit" and I replied, "Neither have you".  I will miss my dear friend. I love you Lottie, Larissa and Lisa.  You'll always have a friend in me.  Love, Dresden Carter Jackson
Sister Sharonda Henderson Youth Leader at the Church of God Forrest City, AR October 31, 2015
"I'm happy in the Lord anyway. And it really doesn't matter what comes my way today. I'm going to wear a smile hold my head up high and say, " I'm happy in the Lord today! ".  I can see and hear my beloved pastor singing that song. It seemed to serve as a theme song for him.  
I have so many memories of our Pastor.  God saved me on September 23, 2001.  Since the very beginning Pastor Jennings served as a faithful pastor, a spiritual father, a teacher, an example of excellence & strength, and a compassionate friend!  I can't really target one memory, for there were many.  I can say that he loved souls and he loved God.  It was evident in all he did.  One can expect to  receive the truth accompanied with lov when in regards to Pastor Jennings.  He started with the word of God and ended with it.  Pastor Jennings would often say, " Do you have scriptures?" for this or that. God wanted him to teach the flock to lean and depend on the word of God. Through every test, trial, snare, decision, and so forth.  Pastor Jennings encouraged the saints to follow him as he follows Christ.  And so we did.  Our pastor followed Christ all the way to heaven! Glory to God!!!!  So while we're saddened for the loss, we can be encouraged that we too can follow Jesus to heaven!
 In conclusion, I'm reminded of the last message Pastor Jennings preached.  He preached on love.  Pastor made reference to the scripture in St. John 13:34. Where Jesus said:  "A new commandment I give unto you, That he love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another."  Pastor Jennings stated that he didn't know why God wanted him to preach the message of love. But God knew!  Pastor Jennings encouraged the saints to love the way Jesus loved. The Greek word for love is "agape".  It means selfless love.  Selfless is defined as being concerned more with needs and wishes of others than my own.   Pastor Jennings, by the grace and love of God, manifested agape love!  So I'm very thankful that God gave me a pastor according to His heart!  May God continue to bless and strengthen all those who loved Pastor Jennings, especially, Sister Lottie, Sister Larissa, and Sister Lisa. 
Total Memories: 9
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